There are so many things simmering in the lives of some ladies around me, and I can’t wait to see what God is going to do with them. One friend is planning a huge event. Another had someone come up to her out of the blue and say, “God has something really exciting for you!” Another friend’s company downsized, which means she no longer has her old job, but it creates an opportunity for her to explore her options and find something that better suits her and her skillset. Another friend is in seminary. One just got accepted to the Boston Marathon! God is on the move in these womens’ lives. And sometimes, for a moment I get jealous. All the things they’re up to sound so cool and awesome and gorgeous and fun and fulfilling. But you know what? God is on the move in my life. And He’s on the move in your life, too! What are you excited about or hopeful for right now? What’s on your calendar? Your mind? Your wish list? Do you have a dream job or dream city? Do you feel motivated to hone a craft or learn a new skill? Have you registered for a class or a club? Did somebody mention they had a great idea they want to share with you or someone they want you to meet? Did you get an email or read an article that intrigued you and you want to find out more? Have you started something? God has goodness for you. He loves you and He gets things started, things that are good for us. Now listen, that doesn’t mean the moment you get the idea all the awesomeness is going to be instant or easy. It’s usually not. It’s typically a journey. But God will walk with you every step of the way. Personally, God dropped an idea in my lap that I could never do without Him. It’s something new and awesome that He’s asked me to create and invite other people into. I’m super excited and God has flooded me with ideas, but there is work to be done, patience to be had, and trust in Jesus I need to cling to. This holds true for all my friends and their exciting new things, too. They’ll have to work and train and study and manage their time. They’ll have to be patient and trust in Jesus. That’s part of the journey to goodness. Whatever journey you’re on, the same holds true for you, too. I opened my Bible the other day (and FYI no matter what you think of Deuteronomy it is part of the Living Word of God, and that means that God has some really good stuff for us on its pages). This is what it said: See, the Lord your God has given you the land. Go up and take possession of it as the Lord, the God of your ancestors, told you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged” (Deuteronomy 1:21). God gave YOU an idea or put YOU in a place or started YOU on a journey or introduced YOU to someone. Because He has something for you. And it’s going to be so good. He’s urging you to claim it. And He doesn’t want you to be afraid or discouraged as you go. Later in Deuteronomy this land is described as: Indeed a good land (Deuteronomy 1:25). And… A good land of flowing streams and pools of water, with fountains and springs that gush out in the valleys and hills. It is a land of wheat and barley; of grapevines, fig trees, and pomegranates; of olive oil and honey. It is a land where food is plentiful and nothing is lacking (Deuteronomy 8:7-9). Sign me up!
This sounds better than Disneyland or Aruba, even. God has ALL this for ALL of us (yup, you and me!). Even if you feel stuck, far from glamorous, like you’re starting all over again, are struggling, or fighting something that seems way bigger than you. The Israelites had been living in the wilderness for forty years, which yes, felt like they were stuck and also far from glamorous. As the Israelites approached this new, good land they were exhausted from wandering in the desert for decades and overwhelmed. Like, “How could we possibly start all over again?” And oh yeah, the people who currently lived in the land were giants. How could a crew of weary travelers take them down? But God kept reassuring the Israelites that this land was theirs for the taking. He would secure it for them. There was nothing to worry about. And He tells you and me the same thing: God will cross over ahead of you to scout things out and put things in motion. He will fight for you against the giants that seem to be between you and your promised land. Don’t be afraid. Don’t be discouraged. No matter what anyone says or how long it’s taking or what inconveniences or roadblocks pop up, the Lord your God is going ahead of you and will fight for you. This good land is waiting for you. Don’t give up. Keep going. Keep praying. Keep trusting Jesus. The land God has for you is indeed a good land. For more inspiration find me on Facebook and Instagram
I’m not much of a sports fan, and baseball is lower than some other sports on my list. But, my husband loves the Reds, my son enjoys adventures, and we recently were given free tickets to a Cincinnati Reds game…in the Executive Suite. What is the Executive Suite you ask? I wondered, too. It’s a giant air conditioned room (which came in super handy on the 98 degree day we attended the game) with leather seats and a buffet of food and buckets full of beverages on ice. The back wall is completely glass giving you a perfect view of the third base line. And if you feel like watching the game old school, you simply walk out the opening and sit in some of the partitioned off padded stadium seats that are also part of the suite. It was very bougie and above my pay grade. And I did absolutely nothing to deserve entrance into such a fancy space. My husband’s department at the university had rented the suite, and my son and I were admitted because we were Brett’s guests. Brett got to go, because his employer invited all the employees to come. Not the best employees or the ones who had been there the longest or the ones who achieved something. All of them were invited. All of them could bring their families. All of them received the special wristbands entitling them to the suite and all the goodies and comforts and privileges within its doors. This is exactly what the kingdom of God is like. God invites ALL of us in. Not for anything we’ve said or done, but all of us get the invite. If we accept the invitation, believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died for the forgiveness of our sins, then we get wristbands that gain us free admittance into God’s kingdom with loads of unearned privileges. We are considered royal, holy, and chosen (1 Peter 2:9)–not because of our achievements or our ranking or how “good” of a person we are. Nope. Just because we belong to Jesus. We’re granted access to abundant living (John 10:10), amazing grace (2 Corinthians 12:9), endless love (John 3:16), peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7) and inexplicable joy (Psalm 16:11). Not because we have a huge following or could afford it or we’re just that gorgeous or likable or smart or strong. Not because we have on the coolest outfit or drink our greens or do our sit-ups. Nope. God created the kingdom. Jesus paid for our ticket. They, along with the Holy Spirit, invited us. And all this abundance comes free with admittance to God’s executive suite. If we decide to follow Jesus, we have 100% unlimited access to the King whenever we like. He’s there hanging out in the suite ready to chat with us about whatever, whenever. We don’t have to set up an appointment or go through His assistant. We have the security, not of some dude with a badge, but of God’s entire angel army on hand to protect us if danger closes in. We don’t have to worry about what we’ll eat or drink (I mean ballpark snacks are pricey) because He is the bread of life and living water that will quench our thirst–satisfy our cravings–exceedingly better than any all-you-can-eat buffet or soda fountain (John 6:35). It’s all there waiting for us–a full life, green pastures, goodness and love, still waters (Psalm 23). But we have to say yes. We have to accept Jesus’ invitation to this abundant living. My husband, son, and I didn’t have to go to that Reds game. We could have stayed home on the couch, not driven downtown, not given hours and hours of our Sunday to the excursion, but then we would have missed out on such a cool, extravagant experience.
You and I have the choice also. God gives us free will. We can decide. We can sit at home and watch the game on our flat screen. Or we can step into a life of VIP treatment–an abundant life with the best view and all the benefits that His kingdom wristband entitles us to. Again, not because of our actions, but simply because God loves you and me and wants goodness for us. Not just on a random Sunday, but everyday. Will you accept His invite? (If you have questions on what that means or looks like–shoot me a message. I’d love to answer any questions on how to accept Jesus and start living a kingdom life today!) For more inspiration find me on Facebook and Instagram We moved our 22-year old son to Michigan this week. He was on a ministry tour most of this summer, but up until this week he has always lived in Oxford where we live. We move our 19-year old daughter back to college tomorrow. Also, our baby starts his junior year of high school tomorrow. Friends, I need so much right now. I need prayers and I need Kleenex. I may or may not have said out loud, “I need chocolate.” But what I really need is Jesus. As I’ve chatted with other friends over the last couple of weeks, they all need things too. For some, money is tight and an unexpected bill showed up and they need some finances to go exactly right. For others their body isn’t working the way they want it to work. They need healing and patience with themselves. Other women I’ve chatted with need discernment. They have opportunities and options and ideas and want to do the right thing. Other friends have mentioned they need more time, someone to answer the phone so they can make headway on an issue, a chance to catch their breath, help with a relationship. But honestly, what they all need is the same thing I need and the same thing you need, too–Jesus. How can I be so sure one guy is the end all solution to all our needs? Well, Psalm 23 tells us, The Lord is my shepherd, I have EVERYTHING I need. So when we let Jesus shepherd us, we truly have everything we need. Sound kind of general? Or to good to be true? Still not sure how that applies to your specific situation? Let’s take a look at what we need, who Jesus is, and how those line up. Need peace? Stressed out? Anxious? Jesus is the Prince of Peace and His peace surpasses all understanding. “For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6).” And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7). Need protection? Scared? Vulnerable? Jesus is our protector “The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety. He is my refuge, my savior (2 Samuel 22:2-3).” Need comforting? Sad? Maybe even heart broken? Jesus is our comforter. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort (1 Corinthians 1:3). Need provision? Out of time or money or resources? Jesus is our provider. And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19). Need a friend? Lonely? Jesus promises to always be there for you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age (Matthew 28:20). Not sure where to go or what to do? Jesus will direct your steps. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take (Proverbs 3:6). I don’t know where you need to put these verses to remember. I don’t know which one will resonate with you most today. But write it out. Make it your screen saver. Look it up in your Bible and underline it. Pray it out loud. This is truth. I’m reminded of that scene in It’s a Wonderful Life when there’s a run on the Bailey Savings & Loan. One woman says her husband hasn’t worked in months. Another person has doctor bills. Everyone needs money for different reasons and seemingly out of nowhere Mary shows up holding a wad of cash and shouts, “How much do you need?” Miraculously, it seems, each person’s need is met by the money in Mary’s hand. The clock strikes. The bank closes. And there are even a couple of dollars left over. It didn’t run out. That’s just what a fictional newlywed can do (Mary is awesome by the way) but think of how much incredibly more Jesus is capable of. He has everything in His hands that you and I need, an abundance of it. It won’t run out. Sure, there will still be days we need Kleenex and doctors and chocolate and time and our paycheck to clear. But with Jesus’ mighty, awesome, powerful, holy, eternal self on our side? Who can be against us? And why should we fear? Jesus is everything we need. Free Bible Study....
I was running on the trails and passed a young mama pushing a stroller with someone tiny inside. Her daughter, who I’m guessing was three, walked along beside. The little girl sported pink light-up Minnie Mouse shoes and looked at her feet with each step to watch the lights light up. I smiled at the mom, told the little girl, “I like your shoes,” and kept running. I soon got to my turn around point, circled back, and saw the trio ahead of me. Only this time the girl was not giggling about her shoes. She was screaming and stomping, hands in the air. She ran away from her mom, then back again, her face all scrunched up. Although I couldn’t see it from where I was, and the girl couldn’t either, I knew from experience that not that far around the bend from where the drama played out was an awesome playground. I’d been that mama before. Trying to squeeze in some sort of exercise while juggling littles and trying to make it all a fun outing for them. Having one of the kiddos lose it for a reason that mattered very much to them in the moment, but knowing that even if they were bored or hungry or tired or simply preferred to be carried, if they could just make it four more minutes, they would be delighted. They would no longer care about the thing bothering them, because they would be climbing and swinging and sliding and make-believing all kinds of wonderful things. I’d been that mama. But how many times have I also been the little girl? Prancing about delighted about something one moment, only to have a setback–anything from getting a parking ticket to discovering I’m one ingredient short of tonight’s dinner recipe to a book proposal being rejected to being on hold for thirty minutes with the insurance company throw me off on a rant. They all stink–some just more so than others. None of these things are the end of the world. And yet, I gripe. And pout. And everyone in my home hears about it. But why do I get stuck in the yuck? Because Jesus always has more. Better. Waiting just around the bend. I’m always so close to that proverbial playground, even when I can’t see it. I know this because the Bible promises, “surely goodness and love will follow us all the days of our lives” (Psalm 23:6). Not if we do better or try harder or are healed or our relationship is fixed or we contest our ticket or find that ingredient or get that book deal. But surely. Certainly. We don’t have to wait until tomorrow or someday, but ALL the days, including this one now. Jesus has more for you and me. So we get to choose. We get to choose if we’ll kick and scream and pout. Or if we’ll take a deep breath. And ask Jesus to help calm us and help us see things through His eyes. Thank Him for who He is and ask Him to help us take that next step forward. Because He knows all about the playground around the bend and can’t wait for us to get there. We can ask Him for courage to continue, endurance to keep going, and peace to wash over us so we're not worried along the way. He has so much goodness planned for you. That’s why He put you on this path in the first place. You can trust Him. I don’t know what that looks like for you in the midst of your current mishap, disappointment, challenge, or trial. Jesus might give you the opportunity to try something new and you’ll realize you love it or maybe you’ll meet a new friend or get a better offer or be inspired or learn something important or take a forced break that your body really needed. But I know Jesus promises goodness and love. He has more for you around the corner.
Jesus also promises us a hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). And He promises to finish the good things that He starts in you like middle of the day strolls to a playground (Philippians 1:6). So wherever you’re frustrated or let down today or downright worried or frightened. Hang in there. Jesus wouldn’t have put you on this path–even if it feels long or steep or hot–without a good reason. He has goodness and love for you, an abundance of it. He has a playground of sorts waiting for you not far around the bend. For more inspiration find me on Facebook and Instagram Do you remember what happened on Sunday? I know, sometimes I forget what day it is, let alone what happened three days ago. Personally, since Sunday I’ve had to say goodbye to both my daughters who went back to their college and apartment. Which means I also got a little weepy. I’ve made meals, graphics, and beds. I’ve gone on a run in the woods and a grocery run. Not to mention all the texts, conversations, stories, posts, and songs that I’ve given headspace to since Sunday. Our minds are full. Our lives are noisy. Wait, what was Sunday again? It was Easter. The day Jesus conquered death and sin. The day dead things came to life. The day freedom came to all. The day Jesus declared nothing could ever separate us from His love. Not even an enormous boulder, false accusations, betrayal, torture, finger pointing, excruciating pain, loss, sorrow, grief, or death. And Jesus, the One who did all this for you, for me, says:
These promises from Jesus are still true. No matter what you faced so far this week. No matter what you’re staring down for the rest of the week. Jesus still gave up His life out of perfect, faithful, never ending love for you. And then He wrestled death and sin to the ground and rose from the dead. This changes everything.
Because if Jesus can overcome death, promises to stay with us, fills us with joy, and chooses us as His own, then everything’s going to be okay. We will get through the hard things. We don’t have to do it alone. We can find joy where we are. We don’t have to prove ourselves. We’re already chosen and loved. I want to cling to these truths everyday. So yes, Easter was a couple of days ago. But what happened that day? What Jesus did for you? The amazing grace and abundant life He offers you? His love? Those things never expire. They are true today, tomorrow and always. Let’s live like it. For more inspiration find me on Facebook and Instagram Over spring break we toured the Biltmore House. It’s known as the biggest private home in America–178,900 square feet, 35 bedrooms, 43 bathrooms and 65 fireplaces. 250 rooms total. Wow! George Vanderbilt had it built, moved in, and threw a Christmas extravaganza for his friends in 1895. Think of all the first class glamor and grandeur of the Titanic but on land. Walking through the rooms with the guided audio tour in our ears my mind pictured driving through the gates in a carriage, being shown the room Vanderbilt and his staff had gotten ready especially for me with fresh sheets on the bed and fresh flowers cut from their extensive gardens sitting in a vase by the bedside where I might stay for weeks on end to visit. I imagined getting “dressed” for dinner in an elegant gown (I do love the red carpet) and being seated at the dining room fit for royalty where a multicourse meal would be prepared and served to me on gold rimmed china. Imagine having that much care and intentionality put into your stay! None of the Vanderbilts live in the house anymore, and realistically if they did, I would not be on their invite list. Also, I would have felt extremely awkward and out of place with all those forks and finery. I’m a girl who loves to get dressed up, but also loves to slip on my pjs and smiley face slippers in the evenings. I’m sure by the first meal I would have wondered what in the actual world I was doing there. There are so many times in life where I’ve felt out of place, like I don’t belong. You? Like meeting my husband’s parents for the first time at a restaurant. They asked me if I played golf. “Ummm, no,” I answered. “Really?” They seemed so confused. When we ordered our meals they asked, “Why don’t you eat red meat?” “I don’t like it.” I answered, but it sounded more like I was questioning myself. Gosh I wanted to impress them but, gheesh, I didn’t even know how to answer the questions that seemed important to them. Or walking into a Bible study at a new church we were attending. I knew exactly one woman in the room. We got along, but weren’t close. Also you were supposed to have cash to pay for the workbook, but I didn’t, because who knew? Well apparently everyone else who all knew each other and seemed to be in on some secret Bible study code. Or climbing the bleachers at the first high school sporting event of one of our kids. I hadn’t been in a high school stadium since I was in high school. But I saw some women wearing team gear who were obviously other moms and found a seat next to them. I introduced myself and told them who my daughter was. They smiled, told me their names, and proceeded to reminisce about the time they’d double dated to prom. As they cheered for our team, they also laughed about last weekend’s cookout at their mutual friends’ house. These ladies were friendly, but I was clearly not one of them. In all these scenarios I felt out of place. Like I did not belong. Did not fit in. Could not fit in. But here’s the truth. I am still 100% me when I walk into a mansion, restaurant, church, stadium, or any other room. Nothing changes about me. About how God made me. My strengths don’t disappear. The people I love and who love me don’t vanish. The things that bring me joy don’t stop making me smile. Same holds true for you. But we tend to forget. We tend to think if we’re not like them, if we don’t know them, if we don’t know the things they know, then we’re not okay, or not included. We get the sudden idea that we should be more or less or wear that brand of shoes or eat red meat or have $15 in our wallet or have somehow shared some of their previous experiences. But Jesus says differently. The Bible says even before God made the world, He loved and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in His eyes (Ephesians 1:4). What? Before there were mansions, restaurants, bleachers, or Bible studies God loved and chose you and me. He chose us to be without fault. Yeah. He did. He does. Brett’s parents soon welcomed me into the family and loved me as if I were their actual daughter. I ended up teaching multiple Bible studies at that church where I initially felt out of place. But I never fit in with the team moms who’d known each other for decades. They were nice enough. They just shared too much prior history. There have been other times I’ve felt like I didn’t fit, but discovered that was a good thing, because it wasn’t actually the kind of crowd or place I wanted to fit into. Yet other places I’ve tried or wanted to be included, but never was. Sometimes you will and sometimes you won’t belong or fit into a crowd. That’s just life.
But there is someone with whom you always fit, are always welcome, included, and valued. He loves you and has open arms waiting for you. His name is Jesus. Walking around the rooms of the Biltmore House and how they were so well tended I kept thinking of when Jesus said, “Trust me. There is plenty of room for you in my Father’s home. If that weren’t so, would I have told you that I’m on my way to get a room ready for you? And if I’m on my way to get your room ready, I’ll come back and get you so you can live where I live” (John 14:2-3). Jesus always has room for us. Jesus always wants us with Him. Jesus invites us to hang out with Him every day. Jesus prepares rooms and places for us, with much more intention and care than the Biltmores and their staff ever did for their guests. What Jesus offers is way better than fresh flowers or fresh sheets or multi-course meals. It’s unending love and grace and joy and peace. We matter to Jesus. He loves us. No matter what rooms or groups you walk into today, don’t believe for one second that you need to be anyone other than who God created you to be. Jesus says differently. Jesus welcomes you saying, “I am so glad you are here.” For more inspiration find me on Facebook and Instagram I was on a run, almost at the end, when God nudged me to go spend a few minutes in the bird blind adjacent to the trail. Which seemed weird, because I had less than a half mile left, it was freezing outside, and although I’d been in the fenced off sanctuary designed to view birds, I pass it frequently and rarely enter. But I felt pulled. So I ran off the trail and unlatched the gate. I had no idea what God had in store for me here. But I felt like there was something, so I sat on the bench behind the wooden wall “blind” to the birds, but able to see them through the slats. And in two minutes I saw redhawks, cardinals, a blue jay, a goldfinch, a purple finch, and several other birds I couldn’t identify darting about and eating from the bird feeders. They were an actual rainbow of feathers feasting on seed someone smarter and kinder than them regularly puts out for them. I was dazzled by their colors, but also by Jesus’ words coming to life right before my eyes, “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”--Matthew 6:26 I have a lot of things I’m praying for and waiting for right now. Things that I don’t know how they’re going to turn out, what next steps are, how all the pieces will fit. And yet, God was reminding me, “Laura, look. You don’t have to worry. I will provide. In fact, you can flit around like these birds completely carefree, enjoying themselves and the feast in front of them. See these birds.” I felt God kind of tapping me on the knee, making sure I was paying attention. “I 100% care for them. But you, you are infinitely more valuable to me than these birds. I’ve got you.” I bet you have things you’re praying for, situations you don’t know the endings to or even the middles to, as well. But Jesus tells us, “No need to worry. I love you. And I’ll provide for you. Everything you need. You mean the world to me.” I love how this verse is translated in the Message: Look at the birds, free and unfettered, not tied down to a job description, careless in the care of God. And you count far more to him than birds. Jesus invites us into this free and unfettered life. One without cares, because we know God cares for us. Sound inviting? It’s available 24/7 with no cost of admission. All we have to do is follow Jesus. Sure, we still have responsibilities. We need to send the emails, go to the appointments, take care of ourselves, do the prep, put in the time. We’re still entrusted to do the good work God has put in front of us. Those beautiful birds I saw all had to fly to the bird blind, land on the feeders, and grab the seeds with their beaks. But they had zero worries that those feeders would be full. We can follow suit. Go where God sends us (even if that’s a bird blind), action what He calls us to do, and trust in His abundant provision, allowing us to live as carefree as birds.
For more inspiration find me on Facebook and Instagram At the beginning of 2022 God placed a word on my heart to focus on throughout the year–JOY. It was interesting to me, because I believe most people would describe me as a joyful person. I’m definitely a glass half full kind of girl. But sometimes, I struggle to fully accept the joy Jesus offers me, as if there is a limit to the joy I am entitled to, and I don’t dare exceed that limit. Do you ever feel that way? Jesus said He came so we can have an abundant life (John 10:10). And we’re instructed by the Apostle Paul to, “Rejoice! Again I say rejoice! (Philippians 4:4).” Turns out we’re not only allowed, but encouraged to dip our toes in the joy pool. To remind myself, I wrote out Nehemiah 8:10 at the top of my calendar page each week of 2022, “The JOY of the Lord is my strength.” It centered me, reminding me that Jesus had joy for me, more than I could imagine, joy I should be jumping into, not just taking what I thought would suffice. And so, because Jesus is Jesus, He kept reminding me throughout the year. A reader sent me the most adorable card with JOY on the front. My kiddos stopped in a boutique that had sticky notes with Bible verses on them. The shop owner encouraged them to take one. They selected one to bring home to me with Psalm 16:11 on it. I’d just written a book on the Psalms (you can find it here), and specifically a chapter about this Psalm. It’s all about God’s protection. But even in my studying and actual writing of that chapter on Psalm 16 I’d never paid attention to the word JOY smack in the middle of it. In Your presence is fullness of JOY. Not a little joy, not enough joy, but full-on, ridiculous amounts of JOY. This is what Jesus wants for us, not just for me, for all of us. Over the summer God gave me more meaning to this word. I was given a wonderful opportunity, but full disclosure, I was afraid to step into it. And as I was planning a new week and writing this verse once again at the top of my planner–it hit me in a fresh way. The joy of the LORD is my strength. God’s joy is what gives me the strength to do the things He puts in front of me. We don’t have to be strong enough. Because God’s joy steps in and becomes our strength. Wow! That whole thought process really blew me away. As the year came to an end, God used this verse one more way for me. Someone told me my joy was, wait for it, MY strength. I almost fell out of my chair. The joy of the Lord is MY strength. And I, Laura Smith, am fueled by the joy Jesus gives me. I love that. I can think of no other strength I’d rather have. One word. Three ways it impacted me this year. What I’m trying to say is the Bible is dang powerful. I enjoy reading every single page. Reading the entirety of the story of Jesus’s redemption and love for us that flows from Genesis all the way to Revelation is powerful. But even one tiny verse can power punch through an entire year. The Bible is alive and active. I’m not sure what word or verse God is going to give me for 2023, but I can’t wait to see how He’s going to use it!
You? Do you have a word, phrase, or verse for 2023? Any good stories of how God used a word or verse in your life last year? Share in the comments so we can marvel together at God’s word and His work in our lives. For more inspiration find me on Facebook and Instagram I am a music lover. I love going to concerts, especially outdoor concerts in the summer with the music floating through the warm evening air and the vibrancy and excitement and energy everywhere. Therefore, when planning the summer and how to embrace it to its fullest, summer shows were on my list. And because God is God, of course He taught me things from these outdoor concerts. Mainly, He taught me about perseverance. My husband got me tickets as a gift to see three nineties bands we’d loved way back then. We purchased our tickets in the spring, but this show had originally been planned to take place in the summer of 2020. These musicians had scheduled their lives around dates in over thirty-five cities, booked venues, tour buses, and bus drivers. They’d arranged their calendars with their families, sold tickets, created setlists, hired crews, designed merchandise. And then the world shut down. The bands could have said, oh well, guess that wasn’t supposed to happen. Or they could have gotten angry and negative and complained. They certainly could have given up. But instead, they waited for two years, persevered, rescheduled, and toured. All three bands shared how meaningful this tour was to them, because they’d had to wait for it, because against the odds they made it happen. At another concert, Ryan Tedder, front man for One Republic and also acclaimed songwriter for the likes of Taylor Swift, Maroon 5, Beyonce, Adele, etc., also spoke of perseverance. He shared the stories of songs he’d written over the years that critics told him, “were awful,” “no one would like,” and should be “thrown in the garbage.” But Tedder believed in these songs, believed that God created Him to write songs, even after getting his work turned down by multiple artists and industry experts, so he persevered. Tedder found homes for all his rejected songs, some of them even becoming number one hits. You just might know all the words to them. What if Ryan Tedder had given up? Listened to the criticism? Filled his head with the lies that his music didn’t cut it? What if the 90’s bands had given up touring altogether? What if you give up on the dream God placed in your heart or the work God has put in front of you or the relationship God has nudged you to tend and maybe even mend? What if you choose to persevere? Because the Bible instructs us: Do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. --Hebrews 10:35-36 Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this? --Esther 4:14 Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. --Philippians 1:6 Don’t be discouraged. Don’t give up. I’m saying this to myself and to you. That thing that’s hard right now–let’s persevere. Let’s cling to our confidence–not that we’re spectacular or talented, but that God is, and His work is mighty in us. That with Him we can do anything He desires. Remember, this is the God who parted seas and rivers, knocked down city walls, and sprang water to quench millions (yes millions) of Israelites in the desert. I’m pretty sure this God can help you and me with the work and projects and relationships and situations that are challenging us today. I’m wondering what you need to persevere right now? I know for myself I have a new book I’m writing that’s different from my previous projects. I’m passionate about the topic and fully believe that God gave me the idea and opened the doors to make this idea a reality, but it’s quite the undertaking. I need to sit down. Write it idea by idea. Page by page. Praying all along. Because God gave me this opportunity to share something important with others. I need to go to my desk and put away my phone and actually type some words. Even when the writing is hard. Even when I need to be vulnerable in the writing. Even when I’m tired. Because that’s how things get done. I have friends who are working towards licensures, certifications, and degrees. I have other friends who are working toward health and fitness goals. Another friend has an exciting business idea. Yet another is working through some really challenging things with her counselor. One friend has something amazing she wants to implement at her church. These women inspire me with their perseverance. They have faced obstacles. They will face more. And yet, Jesus calls them to persevere. Why? Because when He starts something in us, He will bring it to completion. Because there is good work to be done. Because He chose them for these things at this time. Just like He chose you. Today. For the things He puts in front of you. .
One more band, NeedtoBreathe, sang a song narrating a time when the lead singer’s father, who was a pastor, had a rumor started about him at his church. It was an extremely challenging time for their family as people believed the lies. But the pastor stood his ground in the truth. He clung to who he was in Christ. He persevered. As a result of his perseverance, God gave their dad/the pastor the strength to confront the attacks and help the truth surface. The refrain of this song, titled “Washed by the Water,” is such a testament to how we can all persevere, not by our own strength, not by our own intellect, or flair, but by the power of the Holy Spirit living in us if we are baptized in Christ. Even when the rain falls Even when the flood starts rising Even when the storm comes I am washed by the water How about you? What do you need to persevere right now? Keep going! You can do this! You have the power of the Holy Spirit in you, empowering and strengthening you, the God of the universe cheering you on! He wants the best for you, hang on, keep going, don't give up, persevere. What He started in you, He will bring to completion (Philippians 1:6). Jesus promises us a full life when we persevere with and for Him. I don’t want to miss out on the good good life He has in store. For more inspiration find me on Facebook and Instagram The Smithsonian National Museum of American History has the ruby slippers Judy Garland wore in her role as Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz on display. The shoes are iconic. Even though Dorothy’s charmed slippers were silver in Frank L. Baum’s book, they were changed to a spectacular ruby red for one of the first major motion pictures to be filmed in color. And Judy Garland singing “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” gives me goosebumps every time. But I believe this pair of shoes is considered a piece of American History because of Dorothy’s story. If you recall, Dorothy is a farm girl living in Kansas wishing for a more spectacular life. When a tornado blows through her farm, she gets hit in the head and has a fantastical dream about going to the land of Oz. In Oz she is instructed to “Follow the Yellow Brick Road,”. It is along this road that Dorothy meets three friends, all of who are critical in figuring out who she is, her strengths and weaknesses, when she should step up, when she needs to ask for help, what she is capable of, what she truly wants, and how to get there. That’s what we all want--isn’t it? Directions on how to get from where we are to where we hope we’ll be? The right people to help us get there? A better understanding of what our heart’s desires actually are? And once we’ve figured that out, we want to know how to find those heart’s desires--how to act and ask for assistance and use our gifts and rely on others to find them. Those ruby slippers that walked and danced along the yellow bricks are kept on display, because they are symbolic of our own life’s journeys and the steps we’re taking. But we don’t need jeweled heels or someone to paint our sidewalks and Instafeeds canary yellow. We have the God of the Universe. The Psalms repeat this refrain to us, of a God who leads the way to a life better than we’ve ever imagined. The steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in his way; though he may fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the Lord upholds his hand.--Psalm 37:23-24 Our steps are established. So if you don’t know what you want to be when you “grow up” or if you’ll ever get married or if you should move or start your own business or retire or stay awhile longer, you can be assured that the God of the Universe has already established your steps. He knows what happens in your next chapter. If you have three choices, God knows how things will go if you pick A, B, or C. Don’t worry, He’s going to guide you along the way, nudging you to select the choice He knows is best for you. Just like Dorothy saw a sign that read, ”I’d turn back if I were you” and met the Scarecrow to help her think through things, God will give you signs and introduce you to wise friends who can help you discern God’s ultimate route for you. Verse 5 of this same Psalm says, “Give God the right to direct your life, and as you trust him along the way, you’ll find he pulled it off perfectly!” TPT If we trust Him--God pulls it off perfectly! I love that. But what if we pick the wrong route? Or don't trust God’s signs or nudges? Unfortunately sometimes I want an answer now, and force-fit a decision into my timetable or parameters. What then? Are we lost in the woods to be locked in the Wicked Witch’s castle forever? No. Because our God loves us too much for that. Even if we choose differently, God holds our hands and helps us get back on track if we’ll let Him. The Psalms remind us of this truth over and over again: He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure.--Psalm 40:2
He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.-Psalm 23:3 When hard pressed, I cried to the LORD; he brought me into a spacious place.-Psalm 118:5 Life throws a lot of questions our way. Some days it feels like we’ll never know if we should accept that offer or turn it down, start dating again or take a break, apply for that position or the other one, keep quiet or speak up? But God has already ordered our steps and wants to lead us in paths of righteousness, put us in spacious places, lift us up, and hold our hands along the way. So what are we waiting for? What are we worried about? All we have to do to find our heart’s greatest desires is not follow the yellow brick road, but follow Jesus. He’ll lead us to joy, love, grace, and freedom. For more on the Psalms discover my new book Restore My Soul: The Power and Promise of 30 Psalms For more inspiration find me on Facebook and Instagram |
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