Whose comments influence the way Melissa views herself?
How do your comments to others affect their self-image?
Whose comments influence you?
After reading the following scripture passages:
Proverbs 29 v 25
Matthew 11 v 16-19
1 Corinthians 4 v 3
What do you think the Bible says about being yourself?
Whose comments do you think you should let influence you?
Chapters 4-6
What kind of pressures does Melissa feel from her parents? Her friends? School? The dance team? Beau?
Are these pressures real or self-imposed?
What areas of your life put demands on you?
Are these demands real or self-imposed?
After reading James 1 v.2-3 how do you think God expects you to handle the pressures of life?
Chapters 7-10
How much time does Melissa spend talking to God?
How much time does she spend listening to Him?
What does Philippians 4 v 1 say about praying?
How does Melissa try to take control of her life?
Read Galatians 3 v 5 and Romans 3 v 28 and discuss how important you feel it is to be in control?
Chapters 11-15
When do you see Melissa start to head down hill?
What are some of the things she does to lose weight?
Which ones seem extreme to you?
Do you know anyone who practices any of these methods to lose weight?
Have you ever tried any of these things to lose weight?
1 Peter 3 v 3-4 says, “Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty that depends on jewelry, or beautiful clothes, or hair arrangement. Be beautiful inside, in your hearts ….”
After reading this passage how do you think God feels about dieting?
Chapters 16-18
Describe Melissa’s relationship with her Mom? With her Dad?
How is your relationship with your parents similar or dissimilar to Melissa’s?
Exodus 20 v 12 states “honor your father and mother”. This one of the 10 commandments is reiterated by Jesus in Matthew 19 v 19, Mark 10 v 19 and Luke 18 v 20. Knowing how important it is to God for us to honor our parents, can you think of any ways you could honor your parents better or more than you do today?
Chapter 19
Describe Melissa’s relationship with Todd, her coach.
Do you have a coach/teacher/instructor/leader you could go to if you had a problem?
Who is it?
Who was the disciples’ teacher/coach?
Do you think Jesus could counsel you through tough times as well?
Chapters 20-22
How does Melissa feel when she has to go see Dr. Ferrone?
How would you feel?
Read Luke 12 v 25 and discuss what things make you feel anxious and how you can hand them over to the Lord.
If your doctor made you gain five pounds (or lose five pounds) before you could participate in any activities again, what would your reaction be?
The thought of gaining five pounds terrified Melissa. Read Psalm 34 v 4 and consider could you gain (or lose) five pounds or do something else you’re terrified of if asked?
Chapters 23-25
How did Melissa let the world drown out God’s voice?
Have you ever misunderstood God or valued someone else’s opinion over His?
Read Romans 7 v 15 and 24-25. Even St. Paul struggled with doing the right thing. Who does Paul say can help?
Do you believe Jesus can help you too?
Chapter 26-28
When Melissa turns everything over to God how does it change things?
Is there anything you need to turn over to God?
What’s stopping you?
Matthew 17 v 20 For if you had faith even as small as a tiny mustard seed you could say to this mountain, ‘Move!’ and it would go far away. Nothing would be impossible.